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WOSA- 2016 is an opportunity for academia and the industry to explore avenues for future partnerships and to create an environment for open dialogue to facilitate mobility of students and professionals world-wide to gain international experience. The participants will gain a greater understanding of prevailing global accreditation practices.

The Educational institutions will have an opportunity to interact with industry, policy makers and accreditation agencies from the globe and learn about their perspectives. It will also be a unique chance for the educational institutions to develop and fortify ties with the industry

Accreditation agencies from across the world will have a common platform to share best practices, insights and to enhance their understanding of accreditation. The policy makers and regulatory bodies will have an in-depth appreciation of education systems operating in different countries and their strengths and weaknesses.
Industry would be able to interact with educational institutes and accrediting agencies for exchanging views on their requirements of quality manpower and accreditation parameters.